
In my previous Azure DevOps related article I was saying that since I’m using the in-memory EF Core provider, my integration tests were kind of lame, as they were not targeting a real database. On the other hand, this was the perfect opportunity for me to dive deeper into the capabilities of Azure Pipelines and discover a solution for this problem. Thus, the purpose of this post is to present several approaches for provisioning a relational database using Docker when running integration tests with Azure Pipelines.

Provide a database for Azure Pipelines

Since Azure Pipelines is running in the cloud, one could use a database running also in the cloud (AWS, Azure, etc.); a different approach is to run the database inside a Docker container managed by the pipeline - this is the approach presented by this post.
Choosing Docker is a good choice since both the developer and Azure Pipelines can use the same Docker image, thus ensuring the outcomes of running the integration tests on both developer machine and Azure Pipelines will be same. Another reason for using Docker is simplicity: you do not need to install a database server on your development machine, you just run a Docker container.
On the other hand, using Docker does pose its own challenges, as I need to pick a relational database for which I can find Docker images for running Linux containers and Windows containers, as the windows-2019 hosted agent I use for running builds targeting Windows OS cannot run Linux containers, only Windows ones.
A different challenge is to find small enough Docker images so that pulling them will not (greatly) impact the build time. This particular challenge can be resolved by using self-hosted agents, since the agent can be provisioned with the appropriate Docker images, thus eliminating the need of pulling them during the build. On the other hand, since I’m not using such agents, I need to rely on the classic image pulling approach and thus experiencing the longer build times.
After doing some research, I have found the following Docker images which can be used to run both Linux and Windows containers:

Database Server Container Type Docker Image* Image Size (MB)**
PostgreSQL Linux postgres:12-alpine 146
PostgreSQL Windows stellirin/postgres-windows:12 452
SQL Server Linux*** 1333
SQL Server Windows microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer:1709 10800

* Latest version at the time of the investigation (December 2019)
** Rounded values based on the output of the docker image command
*** I could not find any SQL Server 2019 Docker image for Windows, so I had to stick with SQL Server 2017

SQL Server Docker images are very large when compared to PostgreSQL ones, especially the Windows ones. Considering this aspect and since the purpose of this post is more generic and not dependant on a particular database server, I have decided to use PostgreSQL Docker images for running a database to be targeted by the integration tests.

Setup EF Core provider

Since I have chosen PostgreSQL as my database server, I have picked Npgsql as my EF Core provider because it’s on the official provider list and it’s free.
This provider was specified inside my Startup class as:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Other services

    services.AddDbContext<TodoDbContext>((serviceProvider, dbContextOptionsBuilder) =>
        var connectionString = Configuration.GetConnectionString("Todo");

    // Other services

As a side note, the EnableSensitiveDataLogging method should be use with care as logging SQL statements with their actual parameter values may leak passwords or any other sensitive data - see more inside the aforementioned documentation.
The application expects to find a connection string named Todo pointing to a PostgreSQL database inside its configuration. This means the developer might choose to add a connection string inside the appsettings.json file, like this:

  // Other sections

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "Todo": "Server=;Port=5432;Database=aspnet-core-logging-dev;Username=...;Password=...;"

  // Other section

This is the easy way, but storing credentials in a file put under source control is not a good idea as you will leak sensitive data, so my appsettings.json file looks like this:

  // Other sections

  "ConnectionStrings": {

  // Other section

In order to run the application and integration tests on my local machine, I have defined an environment variable storing the connection string which points to a PostgreSQL database running in a local Docker container (Linux container):

# Display the contents of the "ConnectionStrings__Todo"
# environment variable via a PowerShell command.
# The user name and password below have been intentionally replaced with dots.
Get-ChildItem Env:ConnectionStrings__Todo

Name                           Value
----                           -----
ConnectionStrings__Todo        Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=aspnet-core-logging-dev;Username=...;Password=...;

The Azure Pipelines task used for running the integration tests will use a similar approach for providing the connection string, thus avoiding leaking sensitive data.
When running the application in production, one might store the connection string (and other sensitive data) using Key Vault, Data Protection or something else which meets the application security needs.

Use Docker in Azure Pipelines

The good news is that Azure Pipelines offer support for running Docker containers out-of-the-box via service containers, the bad news is that they do not work on agents running macOS, only on those running Linux or Windows.
Since my aim is to run integration tests on all 3 operating systems, I had to find a different approach - and I did, as seen below; on the other hand, I have documented the official one too.

Service containers

A service container enables you to automatically create, network, and manage the lifecycle of your containerized service.

I believe the quote above taken from official documentation page is pretty clear: Azure Pipelines will manage the containers, you just have to declare them inside the pipeline YAML file in a resources section, then one or more jobs will declare a service mapped to this container.

IMPORTANT: The source code used by this approach can be found inside the feature/use-service-containers branch.

Declare Docker containers

The YAML file representing the pipeline needs to declare 2 containers, each one pointing to a Docker image targeting a particular operating system, Linux and Windows, as explained inside the table above.

Declaring the containers with their images, ports et al. is done like this:

# Fragment found in "azure-pipelines.yml" file
  - container: 'postgres_linux_container_for_integration_tests'
    image: 'postgres:11.3-alpine'
    - 9999:5432/tcp
      POSTGRES_DB: $(IntegrationTests.Database.Todo.Name)
      POSTGRES_USER: $(IntegrationTests.Database.Todo.Username)
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: $(IntegrationTests.Database.Todo.Password)
  - container: 'postgres_windows_container_for_integration_tests'
    image: 'stellirin/postgres-windows:11.3'
    - 5432/tcp
      POSTGRES_DB: $(IntegrationTests.Database.Todo.Name)
      POSTGRES_USER: $(IntegrationTests.Database.Todo.Username)
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: $(IntegrationTests.Database.Todo.Password)

Please notice the 2 different ways PostgreSQL port is being exposed to the Docker host - see this section for the full explanation.
The environment variables accompanying the containers point to variables declared inside the variables section from the pipeline file, as seen here.

This is how the template jobs know about the Docker ports:

# Fragment found in "azure-pipelines.yml" file
- template: './azure-pipelines.job-template.yml'
      name: 'linux'
      displayName: 'Build on Linux'
      # Need a VM capable of running Linux containers
      vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04'
        containerName: 'postgres_linux_container_for_integration_tests'
        databaseConnectionString: >-
- template: './azure-pipelines.job-template.yml'
      name: 'windows'
      displayName: 'Build on Windows'
      # Need a VM capable of running Windows containers
      vmImage: 'windows-2019'
        containerName: 'postgres_windows_container_for_integration_tests'
        databaseConnectionString: >-

The connection string stored inside databaseConnectionString job parameter follows Npgsql format.
The database host is set to localhost since each build agent will start its own Docker container running a PostgreSQL database.
Once again, please notice the 2 different ways database port is being referenced - see this section for the full explanation.

Map a service to a Docker container

The template job will make use of a service named db4it which is mapped to one of the previously defined containers:

# Fragment found in "azure-pipelines.job-template" file
    name: ''
    displayName: ''
  pool: ''
      containerName: ''
      databaseConnectionString: ''
    configuration: 'Release'
- job: ${{ }}
  displayName: ${{ parameters.job.displayName }}
  continueOnError: False
  pool: ${{ parameters.pool }}
    clean: all
    # The actual service name is provided as a parameter - see the above YAML fragment
    db4it: ${{ }}

Use Docker container published port

In order for the integration tests to be able to access the containerized database, I need to publish the database port 5432 from within the Docker container to the Docker host (the virtual machine on which the job is being executed). Of course, you can publish more than one port per container.
Publishing a port can be done in one of the following ways:

  • Bind container port to a static host port (as done above when declaring the Linux container)
    • Pros
      • Very easy to configure
      • Very easy to refer to this port from within a pipeline job
    • Cons
      • Possible conflicts, as the port may already been used by a different process running on the host (e.g. a different containerized PostgreSQL database whose port 5432 has already been published)
    • Usage: You bind the container port (e.g. 5432) to a static host port (e.g. 9999) and use the host port anywhere you need to interact with the service container
  • Bind container port to a dynamic host port (as done above when declaring the Windows container)
    • Pros
      • Very easy to configure
      • No more conflicts, as Docker server will automatically pick an available host port
    • Cons
      • Not so easy to refer to this port from within a pipeline job
    • Usage: You bind the container port (e.g. 5432) to a dynamic host port and use a special way of referencing the host port anywhere you need to interact with the service container
      • Example #1: Based on the aforementioned naming convention, since my service container is named db4it and the container port is 5432, the build variable pointing to the dynamic host port will be named: Agent.Services.db4it.Ports.5432
      • Example #2: Assuming I declared a SQL Server based service container named mssqldb4it and since the default port for this containerized database is 1433, the build variable would be named: Agent.Services.mssqldb4it.Ports.1433

For the sake of both learning and teaching, I have used both approaches; on the other hand, I recommend always choosing binding to a dynamic host port to avoid any port conflicts.

Use self-managed Docker containers

As stated above, service containers work only on Linux and Windows based agents, so in order to run a Docker container on a macOS based agent, I had to find a different approach. I remembered seeing that Linux and Windows based agents come with Docker pre-installed and that made me think: if I’ll succeed in installing Docker on a macOS based agent, then I’ll be able to manually pull a Docker image and run a container using some hand-crafted scripts.

IMPORTANT: The source code used by this approach can be found inside the feature/use-self-managed-docker-containers branch.

Install and run Docker on macOS

Due to some license constraints, as stated inside a GitHub issue here and here, Microsoft cannot provision macOS based agents with Docker. On the other hand, the same GitHub issue provides a nice little script one can use to install Docker on such agents - this script has its own issues and it doesn’t work each time, as I have discovered, but this one seem to work with a higher rate of success, even though it’s installing an older version of Docker,, released on January 16th 2019 (the latest version at the time of writing this post is, released on November 18th 2019).
Since I want to install Docker only on macOS, as it is already present on Linux and Windows, I need to run the aforementioned script only in case the current agent runs macOS:

- script: |
      chmod +x $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Build/
    name: install_and_start_docker
    displayName: Install and start Docker
    condition: |
        , eq( variables['Agent.OS'], 'Darwin')

Please note the eq( variables[‘Agent.OS’], ‘Darwin’) condition used for ensuring the script runs on macOS only.
This shell script uses Homebrew package manager for macOS in order to download a particular version of the Docker Desktop Community Edition cask; after downloading the installation media file, the script will install Docker service using unattended mode, will start the service and finally will periodically poll its status to check whether it has started or not. Polling will be performed each 5 seconds for 30 times before considering that the Docker service hasn’t started and thus failing this build step and the entire Azure DevOps pipeline.

Run dockerized database

Running the database to be targeted by integration tests in a Docker container requires several steps:

  • Pulling the appropriate Docker image
  • Starting a Docker container based on this image
  • Checking that the database is ready to accept incoming connections
  • Identify the Docker host port mapped to the container port (the default PostgreSQL port 5432)
  • Ensure the PostgreSQL connection string used by the integration tests knows about this host port

Once my Azure DevOps pipeline has finished running the integration tests, there’s no need to remove the Docker container and its image since I’m using Microsoft-hosted agents which will have their state refreshed before each build.
In case of using self-hosted agents, I would only remove the container and not the image to ensure the next builds will not pay the price of pulling the Docker image once again; on the other hand, one could periodically run a script on these agents to remove old Docker images to ensure disk space is not being wasted.

Check database ready-state

Docker server has no way of knowing what’s inside each container it runs, so it cannot wait for the dockerized database to reach its ready state, meaning reaching the phase where it can handle incoming connections. If one tries to run the integration tests right after starting the dockerized database, most likely the tests will fail as they will not find any database to connect to, since the database bootstrapping process hasn’t completed yet. In order to avoid this issue, one must ensure the tests will be run after the database has reached its ready state.
There are several ways of achieving this goal and this post will present 2 of them: using log-polling and using Docker healthcheck.

Check database ready-state using log-polling

This approach means starting the dockerized database and periodically checking its logs for a particular line which is printed when the database has reached its ready state.
To my surprise, each PostgreSQL database Docker image I used in this post uses a different log message to signal that the database has reached its ready state:

  • Linux container prints database system is ready to accept connections
  • Windows container prints PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up

Anyway, this difference doesn’t pose too much of a challenge, since I’m using job templates and thus I can easily parameterize this log message when invoking the script used for log-polling.
The azure-pipelines.job-template.yml file contains a build step which invokes a PowerShell script for checking container logs:

# Runs a PowerShell script to start a Docker container hosting the database
# to be targeted by the integration tests.
# Checking whether the database is ready for processing incoming queries is done
# using Docker logs command (
- task: PowerShell@2
  name: provision_db4it_docker_container_using_log_polling
  displayName: Provision db4it Docker container using log-polling
    targetType: 'filePath'
    filePath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Build/Provision-Docker-container-using-log-polling.ps1'
    arguments: >-
      -DockerImageName '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerImage }}'
      -DockerImageTag '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerImageTag }}'
      -ContainerName '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerContainerName }}'
      -PortMapping '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerPortMapping }}'
      -DockerHostPortBuildVariableName '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerHostPortBuildVariableName}}'
      -ContainerEnvironmentVariables '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerContainerEnvironmentVariables }}'
      -ContainerLogPatternForDatabaseReady '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerContainerLogPatternForDatabaseReady }}'
      -SleepingTimeInMillis 250
      -MaxNumberOfTries 120
    errorActionPreference: 'stop'
    failOnStderr: True
    workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
  condition: |
      , eq( '${{ parameters.db4it.databaseReadinessStrategy }}', 'log-polling')

Please note that this build step will be run only in case the job parameter parameters.db4it.databaseReadinessStrategy has been set to log-polling value.
The PowerShell script checks container logs via docker logs command:

$isDatabaseReady = docker logs --tail 50 $ContainerName 2>&1 | Select-String -Pattern $ContainerLogPatternForDatabaseReady -SimpleMatch -Quiet

if ($isDatabaseReady -eq $true) {
  Write-Output "`n`nDatabase running inside container ""$ContainerName"" is ready to accept incoming connections"

In the above PowerShell script, I check the last 50 lines of the Docker container log file to see whether they contain the expected line whose presence means that the database ready state has been reached. Of course, the script does a lot more, but these lines are the most important ones in regards to log-polling approach.

Check database ready-state using Docker healthcheck

This approach means starting the dockerized database and periodically checking its Docker health state which relies on either HEALTHCHECK instruction added inside the Dockerfile used for building the database Docker image or on the health checking command used when starting the Docker container. Health checks are available starting with Docker v1.12.
Since neither PostgreSQL Linux Dockerfile, nor Windows Dockerfile make use of HEALTHCHECK instruction, I can make use of the health check command and consider that the container has reached its healthy state based on the outcome of the PostgreSQL pg_isready function:

# Fragment taken from azure-pipelines.yml file.
# See more here:
- template: './azure-pipelines.job-template.yml'
      name: 'macOS'
      displayName: 'Run on macOS'
      vmImage: 'macOS-10.14'
      dockerImage: 'postgres'
      dockerImageTag: '12-alpine'
      dockerContainerHealthcheckCommand: >-

The pg_isready function will check whether the PostgreSQL server running on localhost (the database server is running as the top-most process inside the Docker container) and using port 5432 (the default PostgreSQL port) is ready to accept incoming connections or not.
The azure-pipelines.job-template.yml file contains a build step which invokes a PowerShell script for checking container health state:

# Runs a PowerShell script to start a Docker container hosting the database
# to be targeted by the integration tests.
# Checking whether the database is ready for processing incoming queries is done
# using Docker healthcheck support (
- task: PowerShell@2
  name: provision_db4it_docker_container_using_healthcheck
  displayName: Provision db4it Docker container using healthcheck
    targetType: 'filePath'
    filePath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Build/Provision-Docker-container-using-healthcheck.ps1'
    arguments: >-
      -DockerImageName '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerImage }}'
      -DockerImageTag '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerImageTag }}'
      -ContainerName '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerContainerName }}'
      -PortMapping '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerPortMapping }}'
      -DockerHostPortBuildVariableName '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerHostPortBuildVariableName}}'
      -ContainerEnvironmentVariables '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerContainerEnvironmentVariables }}'
      -HealthCheckCommand '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerContainerHealthcheckCommand }}'
      -HealthCheckIntervalInMilliseconds 250
      -MaxNumberOfTries 120
    errorActionPreference: 'stop'
    failOnStderr: True
    workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
  condition: |
      , eq( '${{ parameters.db4it.databaseReadinessStrategy }}', 'healthcheck')

Please note that this build step will be run only in case the job parameter parameters.db4it.databaseReadinessStrategy has been set to healthcheck value.
The PowerShell script used for running the Docker container needs to specify the aforementioned health check command when invoking docker container run command:

Write-Output "Starting Docker container '$ContainerName' ..."
Invoke-Expression -Command "docker container run --name $ContainerName --health-cmd '$HealthCheckCommand' --health-interval ${healthCheckIntervalInSeconds}s --detach --publish ${PortMapping} $ContainerEnvironmentVariables ${DockerImageName}:${DockerImageTag}" 1>$null
Write-Output "Docker container '$ContainerName' has been started"

Checking the container health state is done via docker inspect command:

$isDatabaseReady = docker inspect $ContainerName --format "{{.State.Health.Status}}" | Select-String -Pattern 'healthy' -SimpleMatch -Quiet

if ($isDatabaseReady -eq $true) {
    Write-Output "`n`nDatabase running inside container ""$ContainerName"" is ready to accept incoming connections"

In the above PowerShell script, I inspect the Docker container low-level information and extract just the State.Health.Status property and check whether its value is the healthy string; if it is, this means the container has entered the healthy state which means that the database has reached its ready state. Of course, the script does a lot more, but these lines are the most important ones in regards to health checking approach.

Identify database port

Service containers offer the means of identifying the Docker host ports associated with a container, but when using self-managed containers, well, one must also self-identify these ports.
Both aforementioned PowerShell scripts used for running Docker containers also include the logic of identifying the Docker host ports by making use of the docker port command.
This command requires the Docker container port and the container name and will return the host port:

docker port db4it 5432/tcp

In the above command, I’m asking Docker sever to provide the host port allocated for the container named db4it which processes TCP packets received on port 5432 - the response is 50108.
This means any process running on that Docker host needs to communicate with the dockerized process via port 50108 - thus, the dotnet test command used for running integration tests needs to use a PostgreSQL connection string where the port is set to 50108:

Host=localhost; Port=50108; Database=db4it; Username=satrapu; Password=***;

Both log-polling and healthcheck related PowerShell scripts make use of a parameter named $PortMapping used for publishing ports; knowing the Docker container port (e.g. 5432), one can identify the Docker host port:

$dockerContainerPort = $PortMapping

if ($PortMapping -like '*:*') {
    $dockerContainerPort = $PortMapping -split ':' | Select-Object -Skip 1

$dockerHostPort = docker port $ContainerName $dockerContainerPort
$dockerHostPort = $dockerHostPort -split ':' | Select-Object -Skip 1
Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=$DockerHostPortBuildVariableName]$dockerHostPort"

Since docker port command is able to handle various forms of Docker container ports, the above script must also consider them:

$PortMapping Format $PortMapping Example Docker Command Example
<JUST_THE_CONTAINER_PORT> 5432 docker port db4it 5432
<CONTAINER_PORT_AND_NETWORK_PROTOCOL> 5432/tcp docker port db4it 5432/tcp
<HOST_PORT>:<CONTAINER_PORT_AND_NETWORK_PROTOCOL> 9876:5432/tcp docker port db4it 5432/tcp

IMPORTANT: The above script fragment makes use of the so-called Azure DevOps logging commands in order to set a build variable to the Docker host port so that the next build steps might use it - for instance the build step used for replacing the port placeholder found inside the database connection string with an actual port value. More precisely, the build variable whose name is stored inside the script parameter $DockerHostPortBuildVariableName will be set to the actual Docker host port (e.g. 50108).
Please note each build agent will map Docker container port 5432 to a different value!

Update database connection string

Now that the Docker host port allocated to the dockerized database is known, I can update the database connection string so that its port will be correctly set by replacing the placeholder __DockerHostPort__ with the value of the appropriate build variable:

# Runs a PowerShell script to ensure the connection string pointing to the database
# to be targeted by the integration tests uses the appropriate port.
- task: PowerShell@2
    targetType: 'inline'
    errorActionPreference: 'stop'
    script: |
      Write-Output "The Docker host port mapped to container '${{ parameters.db4it.dockerContainerName }}' is: $(${{ parameters.db4it.dockerHostPortBuildVariableName }})"
      $normalizedDatabaseConnectionString = "${{ parameters.db4it.databaseConnectionString.value }}" -replace '${{ parameters.db4it.databaseConnectionString.portPlaceholder }}', $(${{ parameters.db4it.dockerHostPortBuildVariableName }})
      Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=DatabaseConnectionStrings.Todo]$normalizedDatabaseConnectionString"
      Write-Output "The normalized database connection string is: $normalizedDatabaseConnectionString"
  name: normalize_db_connection_string_pointing_to_db4it
  displayName: Normalize database connection string pointing to db4it Docker container
  enabled: True

The above $(${{ parameters.db4it.dockerHostPortBuildVariableName }}) notation points to a build variable whose name is given by the job parameter parameters.db4it.dockerHostPortBuildVariableName. The same job parameter was used as an input parameter to the PowerShell scripts running the dockerized databases to ensure the Docker host port is passed from one build step to another without using a hard-coded build variable name (yes, I know this looks like over-engineering, but I really wanted to experiment with Azure DevOps pipelines, especially with their build variables).

The above inline PowerShell script will create a new build variable DatabaseConnectionStrings.Todo and set its value to the updated database connection string, e.g. Host=localhost; Port=50108; Database=db4it; Username=satrapu; Password=***;; then, this variable will be used by the next build step - running integration tests.

Run integration tests

In order to run integration tests, I need to ensure the connection string pointing to the containerized PostgreSQL database is available as an environment variable under the same name as the code expects it - and that is Todo, as seen below:

services.AddDbContext<TodoDbContext>((serviceProvider, dbContextOptionsBuilder) =>
    var connectionString = Configuration.GetConnectionString("Todo");

The pipeline will run integration tests by using a script accompanied by the appropriate environment variables, among them being CONNECTIONSTRINGS__TODO:

- script: >-
      dotnet test $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Todo.sln
      --configuration ${{ }}
      --filter "Category=IntegrationTests"
      --test-adapter-path "."
      --logger "nunit"
    name: run_integration_tests
    displayName: Run integration tests
    enabled: True
      DOTNET_SKIP_FIRST_TIME_EXPERIENCE: $(DotNetSkipFirstTimeExperience)
      DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT: $(DotNetCliTelemetryOptOut)
      COREHOST_TRACE: $(CoreHostTrace)
      CONNECTIONSTRINGS__TODO: $(DatabaseConnectionStrings.Todo)

In case you’re wondering why the environment variable is named CONNECTIONSTRINGS__TODO, while the application expects a connection string named Todo, the answer is that this is an ASP.NET Core naming convention, as detailed inside the official documentation.

Service containers vs. self-managed containers

OK, so now we can use either service containers or self-managed containers, but when and why should we favor one over the other?
Below I have assembled several scenarios and my personal view over the recommended solutions, along with their trade-offs.

Scenario Service Containers Self-Managed Containers
Use Microsoft-hosted agents Recommended Recommended*
Use self-hosted agents Recommended** Recommended
Favor simplicity Recommended Not recommended
Favor more control Not recommended Recommended
Favor fail fast builds*** Not recommended Recommended
The build must run on macOS Not supported Recommended
I only use Windows based agents Recommended Recommended*
I only use Linux based agents Recommended Recommended*
I use both Linux and Windows based agents Recommended Recommended*
Whatever, just run some containers during the build Recommended Recommended*

* Need extra setup effort, as explained above, but keep in mind using Docker Compose will greatly simplify things!
** Linux and Windows based agents only
*** A fail fast build means I will not first pull a Docker image (usually a slow build step), like service containers do, and then see unit tests fail (usually a very fast build step); I will rather run unit tests and if they pass, only then will I pull the Docker image and run integration tests

Other challenges

While developing the Azure DevOps pipeline presented during this post, I have encountered several challenges and I believe documenting them might actually help others too.

Run PostgreSQL database locally using Docker

As mentioned by me earlier, “the developer and Azure Pipelines can use the same Docker image”, so I run the following line to start a Docker container hosting PostgreSQL 12:

docker container run `
       --name db4it `
       -d `
       --restart unless-stopped `
       -e POSTGRES_DB=aspnet-core-logging-dev `
       -e POSTGRES_USER=satrapu `
       -p 9876:5432 `
       -v E:\Satrapu\Programming\docker-volumes\db4it_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data `

I was sure that this command will start the database, but to my surprise, the database was not accessible. Checking the container log file I’ve stumbled upon the following lines:

creating configuration files ... ok
2019-12-27 15:29:34.575 UTC [50] FATAL:  data directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data" has wrong ownership
2019-12-27 15:29:34.575 UTC [50] HINT:  The server must be started by the user that owns the data directory.
child process exited with exit code 1
initdb: removing contents of data directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data"

This is a known issue and the fix is to use a Docker volume created via docker volume create command and then start the container with this newly volume, like this:

docker volume create db4it_data; `
docker container run `
       --name db4it `
       -d `
       --restart unless-stopped `
       -e POSTGRES_DB=aspnet-core-logging-dev `
       -e POSTGRES_USER=satrapu `
       -p 9876:5432 `
       -v db4it_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data `

I haven’t encounter this issue while running the build on Azure DevOps since I’m not using any Docker volumes as I have decided to simplify my Docker container setup. On the other hand, if I were to use self-hosted agents and re-use persistent data between builds (e.g. run a Docker container to populate the database schema once per build and then run a container per test using the volume with the already created schema), I would have definitely used Docker volumes!

Fix publishing test results

After refactoring the application to replace the in-memory EF Core provider with Npgsql, I was stunned seeing that even if I had added more tests and thus had increased the code coverage percentage, Sonar would complain that my changes have less than the expected code coverage threshold of 80%. After investigating for a while, I’ve discovered that the xUnit test results files for the unit tests did not contain any method and they all look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<test-run id="2" duration="0" testcasecount="0" total="0"
          passed="0" failed="0" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" result="Passed"
          start-time="2019-06-09T 18:39:42Z"
          end-time="2019-06-09T 18:39:45Z" />

Initially I thought using xUnit is the culprit and I have refactored all my tests to use NUnit instead, but to no avail. By the way, this is the reason why the previous article was mentioning xUnit, while this one mentions NUnit.
To keep the story short, I have contacted Azure DevOps Twitter account and got to the bottom of the issue: since I was running 2 test sessions, one for unit tests and another one for integration tests, my publish test results task would only publish the results of the last session - the one containing the integration tests. The fix was pretty easy: call this task after each test session:

# Run unit tests
- script: >-
      dotnet test $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Todo.sln
      --configuration ${{ }}
      --filter "Category=UnitTests"

# Publish unit tests results
- task: PublishTestResults@2
  displayName: Publish unit test results
  name: publish_unit_test_results
  condition: succeededOrFailed()
  enabled: True
    testResultsFormat: 'NUnit'
    testResultsFiles: '**/UnitTests/**/TestResults/*'
    mergeTestResults: True
    buildConfiguration: ${{ }}
    publishRunAttachments: True

# Run integration tests
- script: >-
    dotnet test $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Todo.sln
    --configuration ${{ }}
    --filter "Category=IntegrationTests"

# Publish integration tests results
- task: PublishTestResults@2
  displayName: Publish integration test results
  name: publish_integration_test_results
  condition: succeededOrFailed()
  enabled: True
    testResultsFormat: 'NUnit'
    testResultsFiles: '**/IntegrationTests/**/TestResults/*'
    mergeTestResults: True
    buildConfiguration: ${{ }}
    publishRunAttachments: True

Moral of the story: do not waste way too much time looking for a solution, show some courage and use professional help.
Many thanks to AzureDevOps for their quick help!

Publish test results raw files as pipeline artifacts

As mentioned above, after adding more tests, my code coverage was below the expected minimum threshold, so I decided to check the raw XML file containing the test results, files which are generated when running dotnet test command with the appropriate parameters.
In order to access these files, I had to publish them as pipeline artifacts using the approach described here - since in the future I might desire publishing other build artifacts as well, I’ve decided to document this process for future references.
The pipeline YAML file contains a task which will handle publishing artifacts:

- task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
    displayName: Publish test results as pipeline artifacts
    name: publish_test_results_as_pipeline_artifacts
    condition: |
        , eq( ${{ parameters.publishPipelineArtifacts }}, True)
      artifact: 'test-results-$(Agent.OS)-$(Agent.OSArchitecture)'
      path: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Tests'

The artifacts would be named like this (see more here: Agent variables):

OS Name

Since the tests might fail, I have ensured the raw test result files will always be published by specifying the succeededOrFailed() condition.
Secondly, I had to specify the exact files to publish by using an .artifactignore file placed under the Tests folder:


This file instruct Azure Pipeline to ignore all files and to publish only those located inside the TestResults folder or whose name is coverage.opencover.xml, as I wanted to check the Coverlet output too.
See more about the .artifactignore file here.

IMPORTANT: Using this approach, one might publish any kind of files as pipeline artifacts, as long as they are located under the current workspace, no matter whether they are static (part of the checked-out repository) or dynamic (generated during the build).

Next steps

As seen above, running just one Docker container needs a not trivial amount of effort, so what happens in case the build needs to use more containers?
The answer is using an orchestration engine and what better option than using Docker Compose?
The Linux and Windows based agents already come with Docker Compose installed, while Docker Desktop for Mac contains it too. Docker Compose will greatly simplify the whole container setup, as starting several containers will be reduce to something as simple as: docker-compose up.
This post is already very long, so most probably I will demonstrate using Docker Compose inside an Azure DevOps pipeline in a future post.


Ensuring your application behaves as expected is crucial to everybody involved in developing it - be it a developer, tester, business analyst, you name it - and writing automated tests is just one step for achieving this goal - you still need other types of testing, like: exploratory testing, security testing, performance testing and others, and let’s not forget about deploying the application to several environments (e.g. integration, test, pre-production) and running smoke tests on each one of them before finally pushing the release to production and running the smoke tests there too.
Being able to run integration tests as part of the build which validates each commit is a must and employing Docker to host all your test dependencies is easier and cheaper than using virtual machines or other external resources and lowers the integration tests adoption barrier for all team members. On the other hand, this doesn’t eliminate the need of testing the application in a close-to or cloned production environment, but will provide important feedback about its behavior way before reaching that point.